# Aomori Northern Style Housing Competition [![](../../images/2006/aomori.jpg)](../../images/2006/aomori.jpg) S P R E A D the heavy influence of surrounding environment, heavy street front, giant buildings and on the other side smaller-scale neighbouring life conduct life structures to invade all possible connections to light, sun, and neighbourhood buzz. S O L A R P L A N T extreme winter conditions turn direct sun exposure a capital point. living units are thermic captors.circulations are radiators. P A R A D O X contemporary city life is like being part of a movie passing at double speed. we want the possibility to place our own marks and live a contrasted life, one day in a protected cocoon, one day standing in the fresh morning wind. B U F F E R I N G as today strict definitions tend to fade out, do the limits between all things fragment into many layers. our human behaviour also needs high-level layering between private, common, or public activities. S T R E E T A R T the public level is the coralian structure where marine life develops. it supports currents, connects neighbour life to large street side and give inhabitants an intimate connection to the city. also, the public space is everybody's space. there all express, all listen, all watch. B I O M A C H I N E the common living environment is a metastructure for the individual body and behaviour. we're talking of heart, veins, muscles, respiration and tactile organs, skin, fat and pores. ![](../../images/2011/aomori01.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori02.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori03.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori04.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori05.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori06.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori07.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori08.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori09.jpg) ![](../../images/2011/aomori10.jpg)