# Frei Caneca competition project **Frei Caneca competition project** [![](../../images/2010/freicanecap.jpg)](../../images/2010/freicaneca.jpg) This is our proposal for the Frei Caneca street reurbanization competition in São Paulo. The project was made with [Maíra,](http://maira.uncreated.net)[Sander and Angelica](http://www.studiotroost.com). Given the extreme diversity of people, uses and social contexts of the Frei Caneca, we choosed not to make a project, which would dictate its rules over very different people and situations, and would make the street "beg" for the project execution to the authorities. Instead, we designed a bottom-up system where everyone can propose, rate and execute small "micro-projects". No masterplan, no fundraising, no approval, no architect. If everybody does his part, wonderful. If only one does, the street has already gained improvement. You don't make a street work better because you change the pavement and the trashbins... It has almost no importance at all. A street is made of people who live there and people who use the street, and what makes a street a nice street is the intricate relationship between all of them. for who is interested in the subject, read the fantastic book of Jane Jacobs, "[The Death and Life of Great American Cities](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_and_Life_of_Great_American_Cities)". She said (in 1961) many, many things that apply perfectly to São Paulo (and many other cities around the world)... ![](../../images/2010/freicaneca01p.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/freicaneca02p.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/freicaneca03p.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/freicaneca04p.jpg)