# Solidify-wireframe script for blender 2.5 Another port I made for the 2.56 version of [blender](http://www.blender.org), of a script originally written for 2.4 by [Alejandro Sierra](http://www.atzibala.com/blender/cube_wire/). Download it from here (you might need to right-click->save as): The script is very simpe to use, once installed via the user preferences->addons page, when you are editing a mesh, press Mesh->Edges->Solidify Wireframe, and the selected edges of your mesh will become solidified with quadrangular sections. A dialog will pop up to allow you to choose the section width. Enjoy! ![](../../images/2011/solidifywireframe.jpg) **Edit:** In latest version, this script doesn't open a popup anymore, instead it sits in the toolshelf (T key), more the new blender way.