# Yes, you are right. QCad is not a "normal" open-source project. Its aim is to be a valid business model.... Commenting post [66](/?blog/2014-066): Yes, you are right. QCad is not a "normal" open-source project. Its aim is to be a valid business model. But there are not many businesses that understand what open-source really is, and I believe they do. The whole issue about not having the qcad3 code open during several months, comes mainly from a misunderstanding between them and librecad IIRC. The nice thing is that it apparently got sorted out, and that they still believe in open-sourcing. I'm not saying that QCad is the best horse to bet on (that might indeed be LibreCAD, since it is fully open-source in the traditional way), but just that I like what the QCad developers are trying to do, I think it is not very common in the business world, and I hope they succeed...